Whilst our business is about mixing, pumping and supplying screed and leveling to tiles and flooring contractors, the success of our business is not just because we supply a great product.
Our success actually stems from the fact that our clients use our capabilities to level-up their own businesses. Our most successful clients see ScreedPro not as a supplier, but as a capability extender that allows them to completely transform how they grow their business.
Its easiest described by way of example
Prior to working with ScreedPro, if a tiler has a 500sqm job at 40mm thick that requires say 20 cubic meters of screed, this would be project that would typically take a week, with the team mixing 5 cubic meters of screed per day by hand (around 10 tonnes) and screeding around 100sqm a day. This is a full week of work for a typical team. They are constrained by a number of factors, primarily how much screed they can physically mix and barrow in a day using manual labour. Its hard, backbreaking work, especially if working above the ground floor (meaning buckets may be required), lots of wheelbarrows and shovelling.
However our smartest clients, using ScreedPro will instead approach this as a single day project. They would replace the laborers needed for mixing, borrowing and bucketing the screed with additional installers and look to do the entire job in a single day. When the installers are not having to get up and down whilst they wait for screed but it is just pumped exactly where they need it at a constant rate everything goes quickly and the more installers mean the job is done in a day. This also results in a better and more consistent installation.
Our smartest clients, can then make a better profit on their job, their builders love them because they are doing a week long job in a single day, without any mucking around and mess on site, no sand or cement being stored and it allows for other trades to work in the other days.
Our smartest clients then do a similar sized job every day of the week, turning a week where they could install 20 cubes or 500sqm into 5 jobs where they can install 100 cubes or 2,500sqm.
Our most successful clients use ScreedPro to level-up their business, getting more square meters, faster and by turning over the jobs faster they improve their cash flow, improve their reputations with their builder and also give more work to their employees or sub contractors who benefit as well.
Our capabilities are a tool our clients can use to disrupt and accelerate their own growth and arm-in-arm we all succeed together.
We actually spend almost as much time talking with our clients about product and project specifics as we do about broader topics around their business growth and planning and how to leverage our relationship with them to take their business to the next level. There is nothing more satisfying for us than seeing a client succeed and grow their business and knowing that we have helped them to do that. In this way, our relationship with our clients is a true win-win and over the years we have witnessed some incredible success stories from our clients who have fully embraced our capabilities and integrated our capabilities with their teams to take their businesses to entirely new levels our output and profitability. And that's what gets us pumped!